Happy New Year!
Most of us have entered the year with resolutions and expectations of what 2022 will bring. It’s so easy to set resolutions but do you have a game plan for your goals?
A business goal this year is to grow (always) my business. In order to grow I know I need to carve out time in my day to learn and gain the knowledge to know how to grow and be a better leader to grow my team in knowledge & outreach! Prioritizing the time to schedule training time for myself is a must.
A personal goal of mine is to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. This will not just happen on its own I have to prepare to get up early go for a walk each day, journaling, doing my devotional each morning, and speak positivity in my life. I know I must do these things to achieve my goals of a healthy mind, body and spirit!
Side Goal: to fold the clothes and put them up when they are done drying but….🤪
I share this all with you to encourage you to have a game plan! What are your 2022 resolutions and what is your game plan to make those happen?
If you didn’t make a resolution this year tell us why you feel it’s important for you not to.